
Not happy with your product received(s)? Of course, we can always do that and we would like to solve for you.

When the product is unused and unopened, this can be returned (well packaged). Don’t forget to mention the following information on your return:

For + last name:
Street name: Postcode
+ Residencenumber :
Order number:

Sturen naar:

Brazilian Brows, klarenbeekstraat 35rd, 2013ZD, Haarlem, Nederland

Return costs are for your own account. WATCH! Keep the shipping certificate.

As soon as the return is with us it is checked by us whether it is indeed unused and unopened. When the return is accepted, you will receive an email and we will refund the amount of the product(s).

You can send a product back up to 14 days after you get the order.

Did your order break or arrive incomplete? Please contact our customer service.