Yes henna brows does last longer than normal tint. Normal tint will last around 4 weeks where henna dye last up to 6 weeks. Henna will also leave a imprint on the skin for 7-14 days. This way the eyebrow becomes fuller and will give you even more expression without using make up everyday.!

The henna stays 7-14 days on the skin and up to 6 weeks on the hair. Exactly how long that depends on a number of factors. It usually disappears faster on oily skin than dry skin. Just like make-up sooneer disappears from oily skin. If you wash your eyebrows often and use cleaning products and / or creams, it will fade faster. Hormones, medication use, skin type and the speed of skin renewal also influence the duration of the result. In amount, of your own eyebrow hairs also play a role: if you have few hairs (whether or not in certain places) then the henna will be rid of your skin faster. So how long you enjoy it really varies per person.

Henna has been used for centuries for all kinds of body decorations, but in the eyebrow area, it is a fairly new application. The base of our product (97%) is henna from the henna plant, but there are pigments added that provides the cool brown color for a natural result. With a treatment time of up to 20 minutes, this is a great treatment that you can apply in your salon. In comparison to regular eyebrow dye, the result of our henna is immediately natural..

Mix a scoop of henna powder with two drops (from the included fixer) and about 8 drops of mineral water (water from a bottle of, for example, Spa Blue). Mix this together to a smooth and even substance. The substance must not be too watery but also not too thick. You must be able to apply the henna dye evenly and covering the eyebrows

No! Our henna is developed in a laboratory in Brazil where they manipulate the colors with special pigments. With this you get beautiful cool blonde or brown tones. As you can see on the photo on the right. This lady has reddish hair which is already very difficult to color. As you can see, this immediately gives a natural result. This treatment is done with Medium Blond. There is more warmth in our medium colors. Our dark colors are cooler.

Unlike normal eyebrow dye, henna colors the hair and also the skin. The color remains visible on the skin for 7 to 14 days and visible on the eyebrow for up to 6 weeks. The result is also immediately natural where an eyebrow dye is too intense on the first day. As soon as you start with the henna brows, you will see that the results cann’t be compared!.

Henna Brows is becoming increasingly popular. Yet it is possible that your current brow specialist only works with normal eyebrow dye. Ask her about henna brows. The procedure is almost the same as eyebrow dyeing. With small adjustments to her treatment, she can give you those perfect eyebrows.

Yes you can mix our henna together to influence the tones. However, we recommend that you don’t do this in the beginning. With the current colors you can cover the entire market. Our henna is for the professional, experience with our product is necessary to achieve a desired result.

First try it on your own arm at the kitchen table! Practice is the mother of all skills.

If you have no experience with designing or dyeing eyebrows, we recommend a course. It’s important that you learn the following topics: skin types, eyebrow shaping, epilation, waxing or threading. The rest is really experience.

If you already dye eyebrows then it’s a small adjustment that you can teach yourself. Youtube also has a lot of information at its disposal.

The most difficult part is to find the right structure when mixing. You cann’t learn this on a course. Only with experience will you learn this! Our advice is always: sit at the kitchen table and just mix. Apply it on your own arm. See and feel what happens.

You get an average of 35 treatments from 1 package, you can practice often enough.

The results are incredible when you use our product properly. However, we also have some henna enemies. Hormones! This applies to all kinds of cosmetic products. These are the most common situations that you are dealing with hormones: pregnancy, menstruation and menopause. So be careful with promises. This does not mean that it does not work. The hormone household of women also differ from each other..

To let your customers enjoy the longest possible result you can give them the advise to not wet their henna brows for the first 24 hours and not to apply too many (especially aggressive) cleaning products or creams to the eyebrows.